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A REVIEW OF TRASH by Chris Melbourne Hi, my name is Chris Melbourne and I have been a fan of Level 42 / Mark King since about 1986 and here is my review of a great album (even if it is only a demo album). 1, JUST LIKE THAT. I put my newly acquired CD (signed 'Hi chris, All the best Mark King') into my Sony discman, not knowing what to expect because I knew that this was a demo CD, and pressed the play button. I must admit when I heard the start of the first track (JUST LIKE THAT) I thought to myself ' what the hell !! '. It starts off with a cheesiy tune that would be even to soft for the telly tubbies and Mark singing the lines 'My uncle Ernie wears a womble berrit' and then Mark starts talking. By this time I had my discman up to full volume trying to make out what Mark is saying, then suddenly 'BANG' The softly softly song that would be more suited to childrens ITV than a Mark King album, turned into a guitar, drum and bass show that would be more at home at an AC/DC or an Iron Maiden concert. To say that it made me jump was an under statement, I flicked my headphones off in the same way you would react if there was a wasp flying around your ear. Once I had time to relax and turn the volume down a tad (but not much) I found that I was listening to the kind of music that I have been dying to hear MK play, It was great. JUST LIKE THAT is a fast song that I would love to see Mark play live. I don't think you can really compare this song to anything on previous albums of L42 or MK. This song is worth the cost of the album itself. SCORE 10/10 2, OUTSTANDING. I think that this track is a typical Level 42 album track, This song starts off with a certain degree of of lead guitar and drums but after a few seconds it falls into a familiar bass and drums rhythm that we have become used to. Towards the end of the track Mark displays a nice bit of guitar work, that proves that Mark's not just a pretty bass!!!. 6/10 3, THROWING SEVENS. The start of this song has a horror or medieval feel to it, I don't know, something like that. After the first few chords it jumps into life, I love the chorus on this track, it has a real funky feel to it with the bass and lead working together so well. There is also a nice bit of slap towards the end of the track. 8/10 4, KEEP CLIMBING. This song is great, the first of two that I think are possible singles. A very modern sound that you could almost imagine Robbie Williams singing (not that he's a touch on Mark). Fast, lively and full of funk, It has a beginning, middle and just needs an end! 9/10 5, DON'T SAY I DON'T. The second of the two possible singles. What a great start to a song, a nice lead guitar intro. Good lyrics that suit the song. It does though have a bad spell in the middle where Mark plays a 'loud' keyboard break that kills an otherwise great song. This would need replacing with a lead guitar break like that on 'Lessons in love' or 'Something about you' if it was to be a single. Still, a great song. 9/10 6, SONG FOR RIA. A great one for the ladies or to tap your foot along to. The only song that I felt I knew after only hearing the album once. Is it me or does this remind me of something The Beatles may have done? Although a bit soppy, quite a nice song and well worth listening to. 7/10 7, STRONGER. When this song started I thought 'great, what a lovely balled' until about a minute into the song when it all seemed to stop and it lost its way a bit. It does pick up again though, but I think that this song is a long way from finished. OK it is only a demo CD after all. 6/10 8, SOONER THAN LATER. Hey, didn't this guy used to play for a band called Level 42 ?, If you needed reminding then this is the song to do just that. ' I've been making moves in chains, wrapped around my hollow heart', ooops sorry I'm mistaking this song for another. 'To be with you again' is reborn. 9/10 9, SMILE. The start of this song sounds like something off of jazz club!. Quite a latin feel to this song, medium tempo with some Spanish sounding guitars in the middle. So, if your a Spanish speaking greek on holiday in the UK, this should appeal to you. But sadly not my cup of tea. 4/10 10, CLAPPED OUT. Nice guitar solo starts this track off. This song has lots of twists and turns of styles. Has a great chorus but I'm not to sure about the rest. The end is very sudden and could have done with another minute or so. 6/10 11, HELLS BELLS. When I read the title of this song, I think that I was expecting a fast tune, but it is a tune of steady pace. I think this is one of those songs you can get really deeply into. Put your headphones on, open a can of beer and crank up the volume. Listen out for the end bit where Mark shows his vocal ability. 9/10 12, BOSSA NOSTRA. Can someone let me know where I have heard the first few notes before?, Was it the French charactar from the Kenny Everett show?. Anyway, not a bad album track. I can almost hear Mike Lindup in this song see if you can tell which bits I mean! 7/10 THANKS FOR TAKING THE TIME TO READ MY REVIEW AND LONG LIVE THE KING!!! |
"TRASH" Order List (back to top) |
Here is the list of people that have ordered and/or received their copy of "Trash" If you ordered/received a CD, please send an email to winman42@aol.com or webmaster@forevernow.com and we'll keep track of how many were sold. (The list with emails was Norm's idea ;-) |
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