Welcome to
- The Music of Level 42 on the Web - |
Thanks for visiting! Things haven't been quite as active here at Forevernow.com as they once were, and I've been thinking a lot about why lately. The main reason of course is time (or lack of it); my boys are 11 now and raising them with my lovely wife Laurel is a full-time job. Then there's work, the house, family & friends, and if there's any time left, it usually goes to watching tv, eating or sleeping.
The Internet has also changed so much in the last 15 years that a lot of the things that I was doing became time inefficient, or a duplicate effort, or in general better adressed by a link called "Go over there to see or hear this". When I started my orginal Level 42 website back in 1996, the intent was to share my Level 42 experiences online. And that meant scans of pictures, concert tickets, my collection of vinyl etc. I had a 28.8 Modem and 5Mb space...
So I bought a domain name with 200Mb of space. There already was a Level42.com (the name of the first album) so it seemed to me there should be a Forevernow.com (the name of the last original Level 42 album). The site went live in January 1999. Things expanded beyond just my own personal stuff thanks to contributions by fans all over the world. There was a lot of Level 42 Digest activity distributing free CDRs and VHS cassettes so rare material could be shared with fans who had never heard or seen it.
Then came Mp3 and Broadband. Audio quality and download speeds superceded the need to mail free CDRs. And to share videos you now go to YouTube after all. Then came the Social Networking sites. Where there was the original Level 42 Digest, there is now Facebook & Twitter.
Forevernow.com had the occasional "Latest News" scoop, like the tracks "Nothing More To Say" and "Morning Silence", and an email from Phil in 2006 pointing out the existence of a song called "Innocent Abroad" :-). I was privileged to contribute in a small way to the Re-releases, and it still makes me proud to look at the back of those double-cds and see the website name.
I don't have the same approach & motivation to running the site as I once had, but how I feel about the music has not and will not change. I'm happy to see that other fans who have more time and are closer to the action continue to carry the torch. Go to the shows, buy the CDs & Mp3s and enjoy.
All the best,
Carl Mueller
carl@forevernow.com |
Made and maintained by Carl Mueller
Last updated: 11/5/2014 15:38:11